Jonathan Field - Maker of Random Stuff


(Update: This post was originally dated March 15. I’ve redated the Africa posts so that the posting date coincides with the day described by the text, not the day I posted it. Confusing? Don’t worry about it. Just know that I post about a week after the day described, to give me some wiggle room for delays in writing. Okay, we’re good now. Carry on.)

I apologize for the lack of posting during this exciting time, but I don’t really have internet access at the moment. Right now I’m using a neighbor’s computer through dial-up! All is well, and I plan to have my own connetion soon…

It’s another world over here. And I am alive and well.

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2 Responses to Quickie!

  1. Good luck Jonathon

    I just found this Blog and am enjoying it. Heck, you even inspired me to start one.
    Peace and Blessings!

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